My newsletter is ALIVE!

Thanks to my wonderful (and tech savvy) wife, my newsletter service is now working!!! Heather looked over the MailChimp service and figured out its interface and system fairly quickly.  With plenty of tests and speedy mouse clicks, she got my newsletter up and running.  I am so grateful for her help.  She is the best!…

Newsletter Pain

I’ve been fighting the last two days trying to get Constant Contact to interface with WordPress… but I don’t host my own blog, so it’s a no-go.  I switched over to MailChimp and have been rebuilding my newsletters.  MailChimp does interface with WordPress… Woot!  But when I decided to purchase the paid service is killed…

New Writing Pen for Me!

Last week I treated myself to a new Retro Tornado 1951 writing pen!  A Luscious red rollerball which fits nicely in my hand.  Retro 51‘s ink flows smooth, clean, and does not smear.  I love it! You can get one from JetPens’ site, or on Amazon I love the company’s slogan, “Life is too short…


Podcast – Author Hangout

I needed several good podcasts to help me with my writing.  Some of them specifically deal with technique, or marketing, or project management.  The Author Hangout caught my ear because it mainly deals with interviewing successful authors.  All the episodes are unique, but in it I hear about each authors approach to writing, marketing, and…

10 Sites for Free & Legal Blog Images

It’s always nice to have a cool image to go along with a blog post. It helps to drive home a story and gives the reader an indication to what the article is about.  Finding these cool images, that can be legal to use, is easy thanks to several sites. Getty Images: It is the…

Images for blogs

Finding images safe for blogging can sometimes be a challenge.  Good Free, Creative Commons, etc. sometimes can be hard to find.  What I’ve decided to do is use  It’s only $99 per year (on sale) and I get access to a large library of images for use in my artwork, book covers, kindle cover,…

New Kitten Addition

New orange kitten added to our family today.  He thinks he can help me write and has tried his paw at typing.  I think he may need to take some typing classes though.